This page is prepared for the Handicap Blitz at our next Club night on 22 September. When available, the tournament pages will be linked below.
While this event will be a stand-alone tournament, not part of a Grand Prix, we will be using the HBGP Rules (see link below).
In these events, scoring was 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and all pairings played two games. Therefore, in the cross table and pairings linked below, 4-0 or 0-4 represents two wins by one player v 0 wins, 3-1 represents one win/loss and one draw, 2-2 represents two draws.
Pages from the links below are subject to change/correction. Please refresh your browser (on a PC/laptop use ctrl-F5 which forces a page reload rather than re-using cached data) to ensure that you are viewing the latest information.