Tournament Round-Up

Mark Murrell pulls together the strands of our fast-moving SD-OTB and Online activities.


  • Philip Staniland lands a perfect score in our first two-boarded tournament played under Rule of Six conditions
  • David Rawlings wins the double round “B” zone on the head to head tie-break from new member Matthias Lataille
  • In the online club, David Spearman, rules the roost in our first ECF rated competition of the new season, extended to 7 rounds following a flood of last minute entries
  • OTB Ro6 Handicap Blitz, Tuesday 22 September 7:30pm at Wanstead House
  • OL ECF rated rapid Swiss, Thursday 24 September 7:30pm in the Lichess Club

The “Rule of Six” came into force the day before our third club night of the new season, but we were ready, with tournaments and playing conditions that fitted the latest restrictions like a glove. Two self-contained tournaments with social distancing within them too pretty much ran themselves using a combination of smart board/device technology and old fashioned pencil and paper, allowing the controller to play too as well as transmitting the results, through the ECF LMS, well suited to an all-play-all event.

Taking the lead from the junior coaching club earlier in the evening, the players setting into an early routine of move, clock, copy move, move, clock, using the well-spaced face-to-face two boarded set up better suited to blitz, though not without its imperfections. That said, no disputes, no delays, only the occasional burst of chatter from two events necessarily on two schedules. The evening was also notable for our first evening where all attendees had registered in advance, with no additional Track & Trace administration required.

With members settling into in-group, two-boarded, socially distanced chess, attention of the Tournament Secretary swiftly switched to the resumption of the Online club on lichess for our club ECF members. 16 have so far joined the club on lichess for the new season, in which we host a variety of events. Making use of a two week hiatus on Thursday evenings, otherwise reserved for League of Mayhem events, an ECF rated online blitz Swiss was played over 7 rounds at G7+2. So far, we are the only club to appear in the ECF’s list of rated events.

When circumstances allow, the intention is to provide OTB and OL events in parallel for our members (and occasional guests) throughout the 2020-21 season, which are of course not mutually exclusive. A reminder to renew as soon as you can to make the most of the activities and social interaction we have on offer.

Coming up…

This Tuesday, a 5 round (max) double-headed Ro6 Handicap Blitz (unrated) has been announced.
This Thursday’s OL tournament will be a 5-round Swiss at a slower rapid time control; ECF rated.
The return of OL team league chess is imminent.
There will in due course be a Club Championship but not as you know it!


OTB Ro6 APA Blitz (G10/5) – ECF rated

OL Swiss Blitz (7 + 2) – ECF blitz rated

Posted in Internal events, Online, Socially distanced, Speed chess events.