Blitz Championship 2024-25

29 October 2024 at 7.30 pm

Required reading

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This is a “W&WCC closed” event – open to Members only.

Blitz Championship conditions

  • 7 Rounds;
  • G5+2 – (5 minutes + 2 seconds a move);
  • Swiss pairing by Vega;
  • Tie-breaks – see below;
  • ECF Blitz ratings – see below;
  • FIDE Blitz Laws – see further below.

Blitz Championship on ECF LMS


Enter by email to the Tournament Secretary via the Contact Form.

Tie-breaks for the trophy, and for use in all pairings, in the event of two or more players finishing on the same points score:

  1. Sum of Progressive Scores;
  2. if two or more players are still tied, Sum of Opponents’ Scores;
  3. if there is still a tie, any further tie-breaking will be announced by the Controller.

ECF rating of Blitz games Blitz games are now rated by the ECF, so we shall be using ECF Blitz ratings at 1 October 2024 for pairings and the results of our Blitz Championship will be submitted for Blitz rating. Rapid ratings will be used in the absence of a Blitz rating category A or K.

FIDE Blitz Rules

Extract from the FIDE Laws of Chess, applicable from 1 January 2023

Greyed out sections to do not apply.

Appendix B. Blitz

B.1    A ‘blitz’ game is one where all the moves must be completed in a fixed time of 10 minutes or less for each player; or the allotted time plus 60 times any increment is 10 minutes or less for each player.

B.2    The Competitive Rules of Play shall apply if:

B.2.1    one arbiter supervises one game and

B.2.2    each game is recorded by the arbiter or his/her assistant and, if possible, by electronic means.

B.2.3    The player may at any time, when it is his/her move, ask the arbiter or his/her assistant to show him/her the scoresheet. This may be requested a maximum of five times in a game. More requests shall be considered as a distraction of the opponent.

B.3    Otherwise, play shall be governed by the Rapid chess Laws as in Article A.2, A.3 and A.5.

B.4    The regulations of an event shall specify whether Article B.2 or Article B.3 shall apply for the entire event.

WWCC Blitz Championship, 29 October 2024, Appendix B Blitz, Article B3 shall apply for the entire event and consequently, so do Appendix A Rapid Chess, Articles A2, A3 and A5.

Appendix A. Rapid Chess

A.1    A ‘Rapid chess’ game is one where either all the moves must be completed in a fixed time of more than 10 minutes but less than 60 minutes for each player; or the time allotted plus 60 times any increment is of more than 10 minutes but less than 60 minutes for each player.

A.2    Players do not need to record the moves, but do not lose their rights to claims normally based on a scoresheet. The player can, at any time, ask the arbiter to provide him/her with a scoresheet, in order to write the moves.

A.3    The penalties mentioned in Articles 7 and 9 of the Competitive Rules of Play shall be one minute instead of two minutes.

Article 7 first Illegal move the opponent shall be awarded one extra minute (second illegal move by the same player in the same game loses);
Article 9 incorrect Draw claim for three times repetition, or 50 move rule, the opponent shall be awarded one extra minute.

A.4    The Competitive Rules of Play shall apply if:

A.4.1    one arbiter supervises at most three games and

A.4.2    each game is recorded by the arbiter or his/her assistant and, if possible, by electronic means.

A.4.3    The player may at any time, when it is his/her move, ask the arbiter or his/her assistant to show him/her the scoresheet. This may be requested a maximum of five times in a game. More requests shall be considered as a distraction of the opponent.

A.5    Otherwise the following apply:

A.5.1    From the initial position, once 10 moves have been completed by each player,

A.5.1.1    No change can be made to the clock setting, unless the schedule of the event would be adversely affected.

A.5.1.2    No claim can be made regarding incorrect set-up or orientation of the chessboard. In case of incorrect king placement, castling is not allowed. In case of incorrect rook placement, castling with this rook is not allowed.

A.5.2    If the arbiter observes an action taken under Article 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3 or 7.5.4, he/she shall act according to Article 7.5.5, provided the opponent has not made his/her next move. If the arbiter does not intervene, the opponent is entitled to claim, provided the opponent has not made his/her next move. If the opponent does not claim and the arbiter does not intervene, the illegal move shall stand and the game shall continue. Once the opponent has made his/her next move, an illegal move cannot be corrected unless this is agreed by the players without intervention of the arbiter.

A.5.3    To claim a win on time, the claimant may pause the chessclock and notify the arbiter. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the claimant cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.

A.5.4    If the arbiter observes both kings are in check, or a pawn stands on the rank furthest from its starting position, he/she shall wait until the next move is completed. Then, if an illegal position is still on the board, he/she shall declare the game drawn.

A.5.5    The arbiter shall also call a flag fall, if he/she observes it.

A.6    The regulations of an event shall specify whether Article A.4 or Article A.5 shall apply for the entire event.