These events comprise, Blitz and Lightning games.
Blitz chess
Each player has 3 minutes or more, but less than 10 minutes. If Fischer Incremental mode is used, for the purposes of calculating which category the game falls, a game length of 60 moves is assumed. (Add together the minutes and seconds in the time limit and call it minutes for the total time available to each player, then double it to know the game length. i.e. G3+2 gives each player five minutes for 60 moves, 10 minutes total for a 60 move game. If a game goes beyond 60 moves, it could obviously take longer than 10 minutes, but for rating purposes would be considered eligible for Blitz rating.)
Games in our Handicap Blitz Grand Prix are only submitted to the ECF for rating when the time available to each player is the same, i.e. 8 mins each.
Points scored in our Blitz Championship count towards the Roy Wagstaff Memorial Shield.
Club Blitz Championship | Handicap Blitz Grand Prix
Lightning Chess
This is chess played to a 10 second buzzer. When the buzzer sounds the player must make his/her move, not before, not after.
Lightning games are not rated by the ECF.
Points scored in our Lightning Championship count towards the Roy Wagstaff Memorial Shield.