Safeguarding of children, young people and adults in need
Junior Participation
Please note that the Club’s supervision policy applicable to both the main Club and Junior Chess Coaching Club has been revised for the duration of the Covid-19 outbreak to accommodate the restrictions on movement and numbers imposed by Wanstead House as follows:
Under 8 – attendance by invitation only and must be accompanied by a parent, carer or guardian who is an adult member of the Club
8 to 13 year olds – unless accompanied by a parent, carer or guardian who is also an adult member of the Club, a prior “responsible adult” appointment of the Club supervisor is required for attendance.
14 years and older – as above or unaccompanied at parental discretion.
For all juniors where a parent, carer or guardian is not present a contact telephone number for the session must be supplied when registering your child’s attendance.
Club supervisor in this context means a member of the Club’s Safeguarding Team or Club steward.
Parents, carers and guardians, please refer to the additional safeguarding protocols below for the duration of the Covid-19 outbreak, which are also available from the relevant attendance forms and the Junior Chess Coaching Club page.
Wanstead & Woodford Chess Club (“the Club”) welcomes and encourages the participation of Junior players in our activities, which are open to adults, young people and children alike.
A Junior is a child or a young person under the age of 18.
(NB for the purposes of membership of the Club and of the English Chess Federation, junior annual membership is available at reduced rates for those under the age of 18 on the 31st August immediately preceding the start of the membership year.)
The Club also runs a Junior Chess Club with the emphasis on coaching, which meets during term time between 5 pm and 7 pm. It is intended to introduce to children primarily between the ages of 8 to 15 the game of chess and to develop children’s skills to a level at which they can comfortably engage in the Club’s main activities.
Parents and guardians should be aware that the Club does not provide supervision of children and young people under the age of 18. This remains the responsibility of parents and guardians.
The Club has minimum requirements for parental accompaniment :
- Children under the age of 8 must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Older children under the age of 14 must be supervised by a parent or guardian or by an appointed responsible adult notified in writing to the event organiser ( e. g. Junior Organiser, Tournament Controller or Team Captain ).
Parents and guardians must ensure that the Club Secretary and event organisers have emergency contact telephone numbers for them if they are not in attendance themselves.
The Club is committed in partnership with parents and guardians to Junior players having a positive and enjoyable experience of chess in a safe environment, protected from harm and abuse. Child protection is an integral part of this and forms part of its Safeguarding policy.
Any parent or guardian with concerns arising at any of any Club activity event should raise them with the organiser of the event or if present the Safeguarding Officer,
To supplement the Safeguarding policy for activities of the Club in which Juniors Players may participate, guidance has been produced for: i ) Juniors and ii ) Parents and Guardians. Parents and guardians are expected to comply with the guidance. They should ensure that their children understand the code of conduct and comply with it. These documents can be downloaded from the following links:
Downloads: Junior Code | Parents and guardians
Photography & recording of images
Recording a child’s achievements can by really important. The Club, however, recognises the opportunity for misuse of published material and that there can be circumstances where publicity can be detrimental to a child or its family.
Parents and guardians should be aware that photography for publicity purposes may take place, particularly at regional or national events, which may be outside of the Club’s Control. The Club’s policy is to seek parental consent before photography takes place and for publication.
Parents and guardians who have any objection to photography (which does not need any explanation) can register it with the Club Secretary or the Safeguarding team.
Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
Whilst the primary function of the Club is to play, organise and promote chess, it recognises the responsibility for the welfare of children, young people and adults in need.
An introduction to safeguarding and safeguarding responsibilities can be viewed here:
Downloads: Safeguarding Introduction
The Safeguarding Policy of the Club, which follows the model of that of the English Chess Federation and incorporates the Club’s Privacy Notice, can be viewed here:
Downloads: Safeguarding Policy
The Club meets at Wanstead House Community Association. Wanstead House is open to the public and caters for a diverse range of community and educational groups. CCTV is in operation in the public areas of the House.
The attention of users and visitors to Wanstead House ( including parents, guardians and carers as well as Members ) is drawn to the Safeguarding and Fire, Health & Safety policies of the House which can be viewed here together with the Club’s Health & Safety Notice to Members.
Downloads: Health & Safety Notice | Wanstead House policies
Online Chess
The playing of chess on online platforms raises additional safeguarding considerations. All players using these platforms have responsibilities for ensuring the safeguarding of junior participants. This is particularly so, for the events that the Club may from time to time host on online platforms.
The Club has adopted and follows the online policies and code of conduct of the English Chess Federation.
The Code applies to all players. It contains guidance for parents and guardians, coaches, organisers and administrators as well as for players.
For events that are ECF online rated, the ECF Online Fair Play and Anti-Cheating Rules apply. These include compliance with host platform rules in relation to general standards of conduct, sportsmanship and online behaviour.
Downloads: Online Safeguarding Policy (pdf) | Online Code of Conduct (pdf) | OFP&AC Rules (pdf)
Managing Covid-19
This section was withdrawn 19 September 2024, but can be viewed in the site Archive: Safeguarding Archive.
Your Safeguarding team
The Club’s Safeguarding Officer is: |
The Committee Safeguarding Lead is:
| |||
Name: Contact:
Ben Harte 077 93553164 |
Name: Contact:
Mark Murrell 079 7377 3786 | |
Ben is a retired local secondary school teacher, where he was active in school chess. He also has experience working in the adult care sector. | Mark, who has a legal background, is the Safeguarding Lead on the Board of Trustees of Wanstead House Community Association and on a number of regional chess organisations. He is the Safeguarding Officer for the Essex Chess Association. |
Ben and Mark are the Club’s designated officials for supervising the activities of its Junior Chess Club having obtained Disclosure & Barring Service clearance through the English Chess Federation.
Safeguarding concerns in respect of any Club activity should be raised straight away with the event organiser or the Safeguarding Officer if present. If this is not possible they should be raised with the Safeguarding Lead.
Other safeguarding contacts
Emergency Services: 999 Police; (non – emergencies): 101
Contact numbers for reporting concerns to Child or Adult Social Services
LB Redbridge is the relevant Local Authority.
Reporting a child safeguarding concern: 020 8708 3885 (020 8708 5897 out of hours)
Reporting an adult safeguarding concern 020 8708 7333
Other useful contacts
NSPCC: 0808 800 500 Childline: 0800 1111
Information for organisers
The Club’s policy contains procedures design ed to assist Club organisers, officials and volunteers in the running of its activities, including recognising and handling safeguarding concerns. Part of the role of the Safeguarding Officer is to advise and support them.
The Club has produced various documents designed to assist and inform organisers and volunteers.
Guidance for Event Organisers | DOs & DO NOTs | WH Requirements | Reporting Form | ROA Policy | DBS Code | Working with children application | JCCC Supervisors RA 28 Aug 2020