Readers will notice a new item in the main navigation bar, above: Calendar. This feature is still being built and we are currently working our way through the events in November. So treat it as ‘work in progress’ and keep checking back as new entries will appear. When it’s up-to-date, the Calendar will be your regular port of call to keep abreast of what’s going on in the Club and outside – the Calendar will include external events of interest […]
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Normal service is resumed
After a hiatus in the updating of the match results and player stats, normal service is resumed. We had a catastrophic hard disk failure at the end of January which served to point out that the backup of data wasn’t as recent as it should have been. Much of this season’s data had to be reinstated “manually”. The recovery task has now been completed successfully. We have also replaced the failed HDD with an SSD. The stats are now fair […]
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