Calling squad Essex

SCCU Members’ Online Team Championships

To be played at 2.00 pm over five Saturdays – 28 November, 5 December, 9 January, 16 January and 23 January – at the standard play rate of all moves in 60 minutes with 15 second increments – the Southern Counties competition is the forerunner of the second season of the national online County Championships in the New Year.

There are two average team rated sections of 2050 (180) and 1675 (130) which make this an event open for all abilities. Essex hope to enter at least one team in each section.

Counties must enter by 21 November so Essex need to know now those with Essex association who wish to play in these regional matches.

To join the Essex squad contact Peter Nickals via the Contact Form (select ‘Essex League 2nd team captain’ from the dropdown to send to) as soon as possible.

And then you must register as a player with the SCCU using their online form below.

Links: Player online registration incorporating your fair play contract | Event Information


Posted in Essex, External team events, Online, online.