David Rogers (from Charlton Chess Addicks) is organising a 7th Grand Swiss Rapidplay Tournament with free entry for all registered members in the League of Mayhem.
Event: 7th LOM Grand Swiss Rapidplay
Date: Thursday, 18th February 2021
Time: 7pm start
Battleground: Lichess
Time Controls: 10 mins + 5 sec increment
Number of Rounds: 5 (or 6 if there are more than 32 players entered)
Entry Fee: Free to all registered LOM members
1st Place Prize: Engraved Winner’s Trophy
How to enter
Please note that only players who have joined the League of Mayhem page (see below) can join this event:
If you have already joined the team page, you can enter using this link:
Results will appear on the LOM website after the event and the winner will receive an Engraved 1st Place Trophy.