ECF Online Charity Marathon in aid of The Red Cross

Saturday 5 June 2021-Sunday 6 June 2021 the Red Cross Charity Marathon following on from the week long ECF Chess for all Festival (30 May-4 June).

The Red Cross Marathon raised £12,000 last year. Free to enter, but the presence of a Donation cell on the entry form tells you what it’s all about. Put your hand in your pocket if you wish, or get your friends to sponsor you, so much a game, or whatever. The event is a 24 hour Arena Tournament. Games are 5 minute blitz on Play as you please, for the whole 24 hours or dip in or out any time you like.

The Festival is aimed at those playing online who are relatively new to chess.

Links: Red Cross Marathon | ECF Chess for all Festival (There are two entry forms on the page at this link. The Festival costs £15 to enter, scroll down the page for the Charity Marathon entry form.)

Posted in ECF, External individual events, Online.