John keeps his cool

The first Knockout Champion is John Cawdery, overcoming Ashley’s “draw odds” advantage to win a 72 move game, which was screened live on the Internet as it unfolded. This was an extra point of interest for the players in the other room, contesting “Bonanza Night”, with the KO final being screened alongside the Bonanza pairings. The Knockout competition was an initiative of Ashley Freeman and it was fitting that he fought his way through to the Final. For a long […]

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1st WWCC Knockout Final

The 1st W&WCC Knockout Final will be played tonight, 28 My 2024, between: John Cawdery and Ashley Feeman The game will be broadcast live on the Internet and can followed, move-by-move, at this link: WWCC Knockout Final Play starts at 7.30 pm. Ashley as Black has “draw odds” – visit the KO page to find out how this works. Link: Knockout page

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It’s a tie!

Of the three players in the lead of the Club Championship, on 5/6 at the start of the last round, defending Champion, John Cawdery, defeated Paul Bancroft with the black piceces while Ashley Freeman, with white, overcame Steve Rix (4½/6). So John and Ashley finish tied on 6/7 and a two game play-off for the Club Championship will decide. John is on a hat-trick of Championship successes, so won’t want to give that up lightly. Our featured image shows Ashley […]

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red lighted candle

Christmas Blitz

Last call to members for entries to the Christmas Blitz. With the House now being open for 20 December (today) we are organising a Christmas Blitz which will be submitted for ECF Blitz rating (new this year). The format will be dependent on the number of entries but will be a minimum of 9 rounds of G4+2 and a maximum of 15 rounds of G3+2 or somewhere in between. The event has been circularised to the Club’s mailing list. To […]

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Ashley – whoosh-bang champion!

Lightning Championship 2022-23 The 37th running of our Lightning Championship, played annually since 1986-87 without a break, even for covid. The history of lightning tournaments at W&WCC goes back even further, before it was run as a championship. The latest incarnation produced a new champion from the ranks of our recent recruits: Ashley Freeman set a pace that none could live with and he won with a round to spare, finishing with 5½/6. Philip Staniland having been one of Ashley’s […]

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black white and brown chess board game

Wanstead Festival postponed to 2 October

The Wanstead Festival, which was to have taken place on Sun 18 September, has been postponed to Sunday 2 October 2022. Those members who had pledged support to Paul Barclay for the original date, please confirm to Paul your availability for the new date. The revised “September programme” is: Tue 13 Sep Summer League Play-off Final   Inbetweeners 3 + 2 rated blitz   Start of U1650 Ladder Tue 20 Sep Essex Knockout Final – Wanstead A v Barking A […]

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Opening Night Tandem

The 2022-23 Season opened in traditional style on Tues 6 September with the tandem simultaneous by last season’s champions. And what an array of honours held by our two bi-bicyclists: all the tournaments and trophies between them! John Cawdery: Club Champion; Lightning Champion; Blitz Champion;Mark Murrell: Rapid Champion; David Wood Memorial Trophy; Roy Wagstaff Memorial Shield; John Philpott Trophy. This redoubtable twosome took on 16 Members, circulating the arena, in tandem, without consultation. Of the 16 games, they allowed only […]

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