The Club’s first ECF online rated blitz tournament, a closed 5 round Swiss G5+4 Blitz took place on the lichess.org platform within our online club on 21st July 2020. Pairings, based on lichess ratings, were controlled by the platform but with the rounds taking place at pre-scheduled times (manually entered). It turned out that late arrivals were permitted, with a half-point bye allocated. 11 members took part with 9 staying the distance. David Sands achieved a perfect score. The pairings were a law onto themselves, with the top seeds meeting in the second round. The pairings have now been transferred to the Club’s online results site, hosted within the ECF’s League Management System (LMS), from which automated rating submissions can be made. This will give you a clearer overview of who played who when and with what result. To view the games, click on the score in the liches results table, or search for them in a player’s profile accessed via the interactive pairing cards in the LMS.
Links: Cross-Table | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 | Lichess Results | Online Club
NB Finding the games. The best way to find the individual games is to click on the ‘Lichess Results’ link above/below then click on a player’s result to see that game.
Online Club
The online club currently has 15 members. Once you have a lichess.org user account simply go to our home page (link above) and press join. If we do not already know your lichess username, email this to the Tournament Secretary (email link).
WWCC OL U150 Championship
Three rounds have been completed in this ECF standard (G60/15) rated tournament with authentic manual Swiss pairings, played by way of a series of individual challenges on the lichess platform every other Tuesday. David Smith has a perfect score and faces his close challenger Michael Wilson (who has an unbeaten but not quite perfect record so far) in round 4 on 11th August.
In round 1, boards 5 and 6, did actually play; a combination of offline internet and the lifting of restrictions for social clubs allowed the first over the board club game of the summer to be played, suitably social and suitably distanced. It cannot be online rated of course so artificial byes in the LMS were required. We hope that this will be the first of other such encounters, with Wanstead House working with its community groups towards reopening on a restricted basis on 1st September.
Links: Cross-Table | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4
See the note ‘Finding the games’ above.