League of Mayhem Season 2 finished on Thursday, with Wanderers losing 1½-2½ to Kings Head, Pawnstead going down 1-3 to Charlton Chess Nuts, but Wanstead TBC winning 2½-1½ against East Ham Nightshade.
Final positions:
Wanstead Wanderers finished 5th of 13 teams in Division 1, being top of a group of four teams on 12 Match Points, heading this group on Game Points. The Division was won by HMC 1 by a street, with 21 MP, no fewer than five MP clear of Charlton Chess Addicks and Imperial College on 16 MP.
In the six team Division 2, Pawnstead finished 3rd on 9 MP, while Wanstead TBC finished as the strongest team: holding up all the others! The Division was won by Charlton Chess Nuts with 17 MP.
A further offering from LoM is expected around end of May/early June. In the meantime, we are getting our online fix in the London League Online.
Links: LoM1 | LoM2 | LoM3 | League of Mayhem