On the whole a satisfactory round for Redbridge All Sorts teams: a clean sweep, a near-clean-sweep, a salvaged draw and just one casualty.
RA1 2-2 v Braunstone 1 required a large slice of good fortune to come from behind to draw. RA2 and RA3 both had heavy wins, RA2 3½-½ v War and Peace 2, while RA3 recorded a clean sweep 4-0 against Maidenhead 3. Meanwhile, RA4 are finding the new Division 7 tough going, losing 3-1 to the claws of Battersea Cats. This bottom Division has no fewer than 70 teams, a remarkable intake of new teams, no doubt triggered by the national lockdown promising no swift return to OTB chess. Since all new teams must start in the bottom Swiss-paired Division, teams in the lower half of the draw can expect a tough passage.
As usual, all the games are available in the teams’ pages – link below.