Our hard-working Tournament Secretary, Mark Murrell, has some good news! Mark writes:
Following on from the well-supported resumption of the Junior section which has been operating close to capacity during Stage 2, the Club is expecting to be able to resume its meetings in Roding Room of Wanstead House on Tuesday 18 May at 7:30 pm, assuming that the nation moves to Stage 3 of the Spring Road Map on 17 May as planned.
Tuesday Club nights under Stage 3
2×64 G80/10 Championship – (18 May to 15 June inclusive)
To acclimatise to three dimensional chess, for the five weeks of Stage 3, there will be a 5-round ECF over-the-board rated Swiss standard play tournament at G80+10 (delay), with a round played each Tuesday at the Club. A half-point bye may be sought in advance in any round save for the last round up to a maximum of two. Our two-board set up in segregated groups of six with players facing each other but with two boards between them – replicating on your board the moves played by your opponent and at least 1m between all players – has worked well in our earlier competitive rated events played at Rapid time controls (often not requiring the announcement of moves). Now it is time to slow you down! Subject to numbers, it may be possible to have a number of rating limited sections and/or all-play-all formats among peers, as we achieved with the 2×64 Rapid Championship back in the days of the Tiers. A good way to get your 4-digit rating moving again (now with monthly lists and live updates)!
Find out more by clicking on **2×64 Championship** in the main menu above.